USA Child Medical Consent

A Child Medical Consent is used to give a third party the power to authorize the provision of emergency care, medical and dental procedures, and/or other health care treatments to your child. It also contains information related to your child's medical history (such as allergies and medications) and the contact information of his/her family health care providers.

Simply answer the questions below to personalize your Child Medical Consent

Governing Jurisdiction:

Parent/Guardian Information:

A child's legal guardian is the person they live with, and who takes care of them. In most cases, this is the parents, or a single parent if there is not joint custody.

If both parents live together, select ONE legal guardian and type both parent's names in the name box.
Select "At home or at work" if you will be around your area of residence.

Number of Children:


Health Care Providers:


Escort Information:


Length of Consent:


Signing Conditions:

Date of Signing:


We highly recommend the presence of a notary public and two witnesses at the signing of this document, to ensure its validity.