[What is a Power of Attorney?]

US Territories Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is used to give someone you trust the legal authority to manage your financial, property, and/or legal matters. Often, a Power of Attorney is used to ensure that your affairs will be administered according to your wishes in the event that you become mentally or physically incapable. Alternately, it may be convenient for persons who will be away for an extended period, and unable to personally sign documents or make financial and property decisions.

Simply answer the questions below to personalize your Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney (US Territories) template free sample

Sample US Territories Power of Attorney

US Territories Power of Attorney

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This form has not been reveiwed by an attorney specializing in the laws of the U.S. Territories. You should speak with a lawyer in your jurisdiction to ensure it is valid for your purposes.

Governing Jurisdiction:

Governing Jurisdiction:
This is where the Power of Attorney will actually be used - in other words, the physical location of the property or assets that are being controlled.

Principal's Contact Information:

Principal's Contact Information:
The Principal is the person who is granting the powers.

Attorney-in-Fact Details:

Attorney-in-Fact Details:
Each person whom the Principal is granting powers to is called an Attorney-in-Fact, or Agent, depending on the jurisdiction. If you choose two, they can make decisions "jointly" (MUST have consent of other Attorney-in-fact) or "jointly and independently" (do not require consent of the other Attorney-in-fact to make decisions).

Attorney-in-Fact Contact Information:

First Attorney-in-Fact Contact Information:


Second Attorney-in-Fact Contact Information:


Successor Attorney-in-Fact Details:

Successor Attorney-in-Fact Details:
If your Attorney(s)-in-Fact are unwilling or unable to exercise their powers, the Successor Attorney(s)-in-Fact will be able to exercise them.

Successor Attorney-in-Fact Contact Information:

First Successor Attorney-in-Fact Contact Information:


Second Successor Attorney-in-Fact Contact Information:


Delegation of Authority:


Attorney-in-Fact Compensation/Benefits:


Power of Attorney Duration:

Power of Attorney Duration:
A Durable Power of Attorney will remain effective if you lose mental capacity. It can come into effect immediately, or only once you become incapacitated. A non-Durable Power of Attorney will automatically end upon your incapacitation, or at a time you specify.

Determination of Incapacity:


Powers Granted:

Limited Powers:

Additional Powers:


Attorney-in-Fact Responsibilities/Restrictions:

Attorney-in-Fact Responsibilities / Restrictions:
A guardian is somebody who physically cares for and has custody of a disabled adult, whereas a conservator manages their property and affairs. Often, one person takes on both roles.

Signatures Required:


Date of Signing, if known:


Place of Signing: