This document is up to date! It was last reviewed by a lawyer in February 2025.
Canadian Child Medical Consent
A Child Medical Consent is used to give a third party the power to authorize the provision of emergency care, medical and dental procedures, and/or other health care treatments to your child. It also contains information related to your child's medical history (such as allergies and medications) and the contact information of his/her family health care providers.
Simply answer the questions below to personalize your Child Medical Consent
This legal document is also known as:
This form also known as: child medical consent,child medical authorization,child health consent,child health care form,consent for child medical care,minor medical consent,child emergency consent
Below are some random samples we have created with Documatica. Please note that these documents reflect a certain set of answers, and it is very likely that the document you require is different. Do not rely on the templates below - create your own customized Child Medical Consent with our webpage.