[What is a Directors Resolution?]

Mexican Directors Resolution

A Director's Resolution is used to document the minutes of a meeting between the Board of Directors of a corporation or other organization, and formally state the resolutions and outcomes of the meeting in writing.

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Sample Directors Resolution

Mexico Directors Resolution

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Corporation Details:


Nature of Resolutions:

The resolutions can be stated as if they were presented in a meeting (ie, in the minutes) or separately as a document outlining only the resolutions (may be certified or un-certified).


A certified corporate resolution has been verified and approved by the Secretary and President of the corporation.

Date of Meeting:


Location of Meeting:


Meeting Officials:

Corporate Officials:


Directors Present:


Absent Directors





Describe the resolutions in complete sentences, and provide as much detail as possible.

Effective Date:

When will the resolutions become effective?


Date of Signing:

When will this document be signed?