The following is a random selection of comments we have received:

'Your site is really handy. I manage a small apartment building, and I use your Residential Lease form for all the tenants. It is very well laid-out and easy for both parties to understand!'

Phil Maurits (Cincinnati, Ohio)

'I had good time here. Very helpful.'

W. X. Chang

'I was really impressed with your customer support. I just had a minor question about your purchase system, and I felt like your representatives went out of their way to set my mind at ease. They were very curteous, and responded on the same day. I just felt that you should know that.'

G. Kemp (Bethesda, Maryland)

'When I borrowed some money from my friend, he wanted me to sign a Promissory Note. Before coming to your site, I didn't really even know what that was. Thankfully, Documatica explained it, and helped us make one specific to the situation. Both of us were happy that we didn't have to spend an arm and a leg to talk to a lawyer.'

A. Bydgoski (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

We are always happy to hear from our customers. If you have a comment about our site, please contact us.

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